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Were You In a Work-Related Car Accident?

Work-related car accidents can be complex and stressful. When you're in a car accident while working, it can be hard to understand who is liable- your job, the one that caused the accident, or you? That's why you need to hire experienced work-related car accident lawyers today. We will work hard to identify who is liable and hold them accountable.

FREE Consultations

Call us at (866) 907-1145 24/7 to arrange to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case, or contact us through the website today.

How Much Does a Work-Related Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Work-Related Car Accident

We work on a contingency basis for premises liability, personal injury, and some workers' compensation. A contingency fee basis means we do not charge you anything unless we win a settlement in or out of court. This fee structure ensures we work hard for your case and that you don't have even more out-of-pocket expenses during a stressful time. At The Law Offices of John M. McCabe, we also offer contingency fee schedules for other practice areas such as:

Is My Work-Related Car Accident a Personal Injury or Workers' Compensation Claim?

That depends on many variables. We will need to examine your case and decide which type of claim will get you the most compensation possible.

How Can I Prove I Was Working When My Car Accident Happened?

There are many ways to prove you were on the job regarding a work-related car accident. Let's review some of those ways.

Your Employer Reimburses You for Mileage

When your employer reimburses you for mileage, this proves you use your car to do work-related errands. It's essential when "on the clock" to leave all personal errands out of the mix because this can complicate the case. If you have a personal errand to run, it's best to do it after working hours.

You Drive for Work

There are many jobs where driving is the work you do. These jobs are bus drivers, plumbers, delivery drivers, semi-truck drivers, and many more. Your worker's compensation and the employer's insurance should have you covered.

What if I Caused the Car Accident While Working?

You're human, and accidents happen. If you were on the clock and a car accident happened with you at fault, you should still be able to collect workers' compensation. If your employer denies your claim, call our office today. We will fight for your rights.

Will My Work-Related Accident Affect My Car Insurance?

Yes, your car insurance will likely be affected. Before talking to any insurance agent, contact our work-related car accident attorneys today. Insurance companies are notorious for only wanting to pay out the minimum required.  We will aggressively fight to get you the most compensation possible.

Being “Off-Premises” When Injured Does Not Bar Recovery

When a work-related car accident occurs, employers and insurers often claim that the worker was not working. The injured party may not be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if they can prove this claim. However, if you were running an errand, making a delivery, or doing anything else for your employer, your accident might be covered by workers' compensation.

We Have Decades Of Experience in Work-Related Car Accidents

Our lawyers have represented people in all types of occupations in job-related car accident cases:

  • Delivery drivers
  • Meter readers
  • Plumbers
  • Bus drivers
  • Salespeople
  • Movers
  • Heating and air conditioning workers
  • Truck drivers
  • Construction workers

With extensive experience handling motor vehicle accidents, we are familiar with the complex laws relating to scope-of-duty questions and have achieved numerous seven-figure results in car and truck accidents.

We Get Results

We recently won a case for a client of ours, a doctor. This client had traveled to a city in North Carolina to deliver a speech, and on the way back from a dinner with colleagues, he was rear-ended. Questions arose regarding whether he was engaged in the scope of his employment at the time of the accident. We successfully argued that all time spent on his trip was related to his employment. As a result of our representation, our client received both workers’ compensation benefits and a settlement from the other driver’s insurance company.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Lawyer Today

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your car accident case.

FREE Consultations

Call us at (866) 907-1145 24/7 to arrange to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case, or contact us through the website today.
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