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Occupational injuries: How damage can occur over time

In many industries throughout North Carolina and across the United States, workers risk getting injured in serious workplace accidents. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 4,764 fatal work accidents in 2020, which calculates to one death every 111 minutes.

Not only can you get injured in an accident at work, but you may also develop a condition resulting from years of repetitive work or exposure to job site hazards. If you develop such a condition, you may receive workers' compensation benefits as well.

Types of occupational injuries

Occupational injuries involve much more than workplace accidents, such as falls, electrocution or getting hit by falling objects. They also include the following:

    • Lung or breathing conditions from exposure to harmful chemicals at work
    • Arthritis caused by repetitive motions from work tasks
    • Back issues resulting from years of strain and repetitive lifting
    • Hearing loss from exposure to loud workplace noise
  • Panic disorders, PTSD and anxiety from exposure to job site trauma
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and hernias from constant motion and overuse

These injuries can occur in a number of industries, including transportation, healthcare, construction, law enforcement and aircraft pilots.

What are the dangers?

Whether you have been exposed to a hazardous work environment for years, resulting in a long-term condition or you suffer from a physical condition caused by repetitive occupational tasks, workplace injuries may lead to a myriad of issues.

Conditions may require ongoing and extensive medical treatment. Furthermore, you may be unable to return to the same position or work at all depending on the severity of the condition. If you are unable to work and are overwhelmed with expensive medical bills, you may struggle to make ends meet.

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